Academic panels

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Confirmed Panels:

PANEL – Expert comments and discussion on the case studies, arising from presentations and discussions
Aida Opoku-Mensah (UNECA)
Jean du Plessis
Dr R Kingwill
Siyabulela Manona
Lisa del Grande

Watch the video to find out more about Academic Panels:

Academic panels bring together researchers from around the world, for an interactive discussion on a specific topic among panel speakers and the audience. Panels provide opportunities for the practicing professionals to both share and learn about the latest ideas, trends, and products and innovations of particular interest to the industry.

Academic panel sessions are 40-minute moderated discussions. A panel submission must include:

  • A Panel Organizer with a commitment to arrange the specific topic of interest;
  • 4 Panellists with a commitment to join in under the specific topic.

Before the submission of a panel proposal, it is expected that the Panel Organizer contacts all the envisaged Panellists in order to get their agreement for serving on the panel. The Panel Organizer will serve as moderator during the panel.

The following structure is supposed to be taken for the panels. The panel should not have more than 4 participants, plus the moderator. The organizer/chair has to establish a few questions to be addressed by the participants. The chair gives a presentation up to 10 minutes at the beginning of the panel, to introduce the topic. Participants should address the questions posed, in a presentation up to 5 minutes each (very strict time control!). Basically, the presentation should have about 6 slides, i.e., the cover slide plus one per question. With this scheme, there will be enough time for discussion in the panel (which is the main goal of a panel).

The panel proposal should include:

  • Title for the proposed panel
  • Name, affiliation, contact information, and short biography of the Panel Organizer
  • Motivation and background for the panel, indicating topics to be discussed as well.
  • Names, affiliations, and short biography of the Panellists intended to invite.

Interested Panel Organizers should submit their proposals to AfricaGEO 2018 Program Committee by email as a PDF file attachment.

Academic Panel Proposal Deadline: 11 March 2018

Acceptance notification: 31 March 2018